International or Domestic Orders may be faxed to: + 1 + 603+880+8502. Faxed orders must include the product(s) being ordered, shipping address including phone and email, credit card number, expiration date, name on card, CSV code and billing address. Shipping will be calculated based on actual UPS charges to your shipping address from our Florida distribution centre.
For international orders, all taxes, and duties are the responsibility of the receiver.
Phone orders are accepted between 0900-1600 US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00) Monday to Friday by calling + 1 + 888 + 584-3060 and ask for Sales. Our offices are closed for all US holidays.
Certain products may require a valid export license issued by the U.S. Department of State Office of Defense Trade Controls, in accordance with International Traffic in Arms (ITAR), Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations Part 120-130. It is the Buyer's responsibility to request and obtain export licenses for the export of the subject items, and to ensure that the requirements of all applicable laws, regulations and administrative policies are met. Cejay Engineering can not ship ITAR controlled items to military APO Addresses per ITAR Section 120.17(a).